Saturday 21 January 2012

Whilst researching on YouTube for different students thriller film openings, I came across a couple that I was able to analyse paying close attention to sound, mise en scene, editing and camera. Overall there were many interesting thriller openings however these below seemed to catch my attention the most.
For this opening, I really liked the whole idea of her being watched. For the fact that as audience, being able to see that this girl is being watched creates a great deal of suspension and as said before in the 'Thrillers - in their own words!' section, it keeps us on the edge of our seat.
The very subtle music used in the beginning is very effective as it gives us the impression that something 'spooky' is bound to happen. Towards the end as the music begins to change, this spooky effective given in the beginning now disappears in which we are left with a more  'movie trailer' type of feeling.
Editing wise I think that this thriller opening done the correct things in order to catch the audiences attention. For example, the cross cuts as she walks to the bathroom/in the bathroom to the man walking up the stairs was extremely effective, it was this editing technique that had me focused with the film, my main thoughts was whether she was going to look back and see this person in her house.

Intertextuality ...
... 'The bathroom scene'

The Edge 
Here is another one and personally I believe this is the best one. It being an action thriller, the music works very well with it as it allowed everything to flow smoothly. Editing techniques such as motion tracking for the text just gives the opening that the extra bit of 'juice'. Also whilst editing it is clear to see that this group has used the effect Colour Correction in which they have changed the colours, (desaturating and raising levels higher) making the footage look more cinematic. 

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