Friday 27 January 2012

Practice: Prelim

The filming of the Prelim

We got together in our groups and got put into a room of our own for filming. Once we did we had to get out all the equipment that we would need for the filming of our Prelim. This includes camera, our groups memory card, a still camera and a flip camera. 

Once we had got our equipment we had to familiarise ourselves with it by quickly reminding ourselves of all the cameras functions and how to use/operate it.

We had to find the write place to enable us to film a wide shot outside our door. We ended up having to film the start of our film outside of someone else's room because of the restricted space 

(we would have to think about spacing when shooting our real project. If the area isn't big enough to do all the shots that we need to then maybe we may have to reconsider the shooting area because it would look unprofessional shooting one shot in two different areas) 

After shooting the start of the story outside we then had to set up the room by pushing all the tables across and setting up the two chairs for the characters. We had to improvise one of the characters because it was initially meant to be a woman however there was only a boy (Tobi) available to star in it.

(when shotting the real thing we would have to ensure that we would have access to all the characters that we plan to involve in the story before we make the storyboard because if we dont we may end up having to rethink our story which would be very time consuming so planing is vital to this stage)

Once the room was set up it was time to begin shooting the footage within the room and getting all the shot together before we eventually finished.

Some of the problems we faced while shooting was;
  • Getting the angles right during the match cut. We struggled when attempting to go from a wide shot to a mid shot whilst keeping the angles the same
  • We also struggled when shooting an over the shoulder conversation shot. When we shot over one shoulder and moved the camera to catch the next shot then attempted to move the camera back into the same place, we had a hard time finding the exact same place and angle.
  • When zooming out from an over the shoulder shot to a wide shot we found it hard to zoom out without being too fast and also without making it jittery when attempting to zoom it out slower. 

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