Sunday 29 January 2012

As a group, we got together as a group and begun to start prepare for the filming of our Prelim. In order to do this we needed to choose our filming space, we chose a spare classroom that was empty and would have been suitable for our planned Prelim and we also get all the equipment needed; memory card reader, still camera, a trip pod, a flip camera and of course a filming camera. 

We had to make sure we still remembered and understood how to use the equipment before we started.

The first scene of our Prelim meant that we had to find a space outside of the chosen filming space to shoot our first scene, we had some problems with this, because the space that we used had limited space which meant that we had to be extra quiet in order not to disturb the class the we were shooting outside of.

After the first scene shoot was done we went to the our final filming space, we set up the filming space simply by clearing all the furniture in the way. We got the actors ready and began shooting.



Problems we came across -

  • Getting match cuts to fit together perfectly.
  • We should have planned who our actors were before hand instead of improvising on the day
  • Pre planning, our pre planning of the film needs to be much better, we need to under stand how some shots will be shot, were, who will be in them etc.. In order for our opening to be successful
  • The filming process, we weren't able to match the match cuts very well, this all comes back down to the pre planning 

I've learnt that in order to have a successful Opening Scene then planning needs to be key, everything that will be needed on the day of filming needs to have been thought of.

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