Friday 3 February 2012

Art of the Title

The way the titles are presented in a film opening give a key impression of what sort of film or what sort of story line they will be, alongside music the font and style of the titles are key in a film opening.

They are so many different types of titles, from the font to the style to the way they are presented.

It's a Mad Mad Mad World -
It's a Mad Mad Mad World has a film is represented well through the title sequence, it's an enthusiastic film which is shown through it's use of gags and playfully styled font. The font changes throughout the opening which could show that the film wont be so straight forward and could be filled with surprise twists and turns.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's opening is a great compliment to the film it's self, it's real dark, edgy and very clear. The graphics are great in the opening focusing on details at an unusual angle at times, the music also pays fantastic homage to the titles used, they go together brilliantly.

For our film we took inspiration from the titles that were used in the opening of Taking of Pelham 123.

The titles had a really simple but thrilling feel to them, especially the way they were introduced unto the screen, we especially like that.

A rectangle shaped line come on to the screen, when in

the titles come up, as if they were under the rectangle,
we took inspiration from this.

Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 Trailer

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