Monday 27 February 2012


Day 1 of Filming

Day 1 (Sat 25th Feb 2012) -

We filmed in our various areas of selected area Liverpool Street. We had planned to meet at 12pm on the dot but one of our members (no names) who had a crucial piece of equipment had arrived almost an hour and a half late. Other than the little hitch filming went smoothly. We first filmed our unaware protagonist (Nerissa) meeting her friend. However she hears a nearby phonebox ringing and decides to answer it, not knowing what's going to happen.

After a good 3-4 hours, we successfully finished filming. The only problems we had were when we had literally finished filming and a security guard was feeling suspicious seeing as we had cameras and so on

Sunday 26 February 2012

Filming - Day 1 (Part 1)

Today was an experience, I got to see, feel and experience how filming is first hand.
I learnt many aspects of filming, it isn't as easy as it looks. One thing in mind stuck in my mind, I learnt about the 180 Rule.

The 180 Rule.

The 180 rule is a basic guideline that states two characters or other things being filmed should always have the same right to left relationship. For example if a scene involves a conversation between a man and a women standing, with the women on the left and the man on the right, then it should remain like that at all times, otherwise it would disorientate the viewer, you have to imagine the camera has the viewer's eyes.

However sometimes on rare occasions film makers will purposely break this rule with the thought that it will in fact benefit their scene and the film will be made better teamed with the viewer's disorientation it would create. Stanley Kubrick does this well in a scene in The Shining.

Further Planning

Key props for our film were a brief case and a phone box.
The brief case

The phone box

We also dressed one of our actors in a suit to bring a sort of mystery to the opening.

Something formal like
a tie and shirt

Planning - Target Audience

Location of Filming

Felix found a great location that would fit perfectly with our concept of our film opening. Liverpool Street.

Open space, great for shooting wide

He also got some great shots on a proposed location literally within 5 minutes of our filming location that we could use if we needed the film to be a bit more scary, so it could reflect a thriller as accurately as possible.

The graffiti gives a great effect to the surrounding area.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Foley Sound:

Foley sounds are crucially artificially created or enhanced sounds. Foley sound effects are not noticed very much by audiences in the film industry, but they are essential towards films. Films would not have the same  effect or impact had foley sound effects not be included.

This is a video explaining foley sounds and they are made.


Costumes and Props:

Our two key props in our thriller opening will be the phonebox where the protagonist (Nerissa) will be walking past while it rings. The phonebox is crucial as it contributes a lot to our film opening. The other important prop needed is the suitcase/briefcase which the caller orders the protagonist to collect.


These are pictures of when we filmed our establishment shots. We filmed in Liverpool Street and we also filmed in various different areas of Liverpool Street to fortify the establishment of the setting.