Thursday 15 December 2011

Final product and comparison of original and own product

This is our final product for our remake of collateral.
We converted our editing piece from final cut pro into quick time so that we could post it on Blogger.

Our scene is about two females walking towards each other. They appear as if they have accidentally bumped into each other, but it was intentionally so they could do a bag swap.
The scene ends with the character Annie at the top of the staircase mysteriously looking at the camera to dramatize the scene. She then walks off followed by a dissolve.  

This is from the collateral original scene which is similar to ours. We have a close up of Annie in the beginning so that the audience know that she is one of the protagonists. 

Comparison of original to our own

This is an extreme close up. Audience feel closer to character  and are immediately attached to him. This camera shot demonstrates  that he is the protagonist. The prop of the sunglasses connote that he is trying to hide his identity.
Both people bump into each other. This is supposed to appear to the audience as an accident. This is intentional as there is a two shot showing the characters are both connected.

This is a close up of the iconic prop of the bag being picked up. There is a close up to suggest to the audience that a switch has been made.
This is similar to the collateral opening as both protagonists met at one point.
This is an extreme close-up of Annie she looks suspicious and the audience feel attached  to her.
This is a high angle shot of the bag.

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